Our subconscious mind, like a vast data bank, stores and remembers everything we have ever experienced. This includes positive and happy memories, as well as trauma, pain and negative beliefs. Hypnosis is simply a state of deeply focused relaxation which most people find extremely pleasant, in which the content of the subconscious mind can be more easily accessed. With the guidance of a trained hypnotherapist this inner mind can be helped to release stored programs that don’t serve you anymore and receive positive healing messages that will allow you to make lasting changes.
The exceptional quality of hypnotherapy is it’s ability to discover and heal the root cause of persistent problematic patterns in one’s life. It is important to understand that you always have a choice in this process and that your subconscious mind won’t retrieve memories that you aren’t capable of healing. Importantly, a trained hypnotherapist will help you over or through any hurdles that may arise. In hypnotherapy the process of going back to earlier childhood experiences is called ‘age regression.’ This is not the same as the usual psychological meaning of the term ‘regression’ which implies returning to infantile behavior, thoughts and feelings. When painful memories are experienced in a hypnotherapy session, you will be guided to call upon the wisdom of your higher self in order to understand their lessons so they can be healed.
The sun is always in the sky
even when the clouds block our vision
or when we only see the reflected light of the moon ~
Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy
For those who are interested or when problems aren’t released by addressing current life memories, it usually indicates that the root cause needs to be traced back to previous lifetimes. Remembering that the subconscious or inner mind stores everything that has ever happened to you, Past Life Regression simply turns the “pages” of time back further so that past life experiences that are creating psychological and/or physical problems for you in this lifetime can be healed now. With the guidance of an experienced Past Life Regression therapist, you can resolve relationships or issues that have been troubling you, phobias and fears can vanish, spiritual insights and values awaken, and love flow more freely in your life.
Belief in reincarnation is not necessary in order to experience the benefits of this type of regression therapy. It is only important to release prejudgment, remain open-minded and experience the results. Even if the information brought forward is understood as a metaphor, the knowledge and insights gleaned can lead to significant physical, emotional and spiritual transformations.
All initial hypnotherapy sessions will be 2 hours in length including:
- education about what hypnosis is (and is not), as needed
- a thorough exploration of the presenting problem(s)
- the hypnotherapy session
- processing of your experience, and
- anchoring methods to reinforce insights gained
Follow up sessions are generally 90 minutes but may be scheduled for one or two hours depending on one’s intentions, and can be done in person or remotely. Many people are able to be hypnotized easily and deeply the first time they try while others will go deeper with more experience.
I encourage you to click on the Getting Started Tab in the top navigation bar to view the FAQs if you’ve never done hypnotherapy, as well as the sections on Rates and Payment and Client Forms. If you are considering an appointment please contact me today so we can schedule a free phone consultation to answer any questions you may have.
Disclaimer: I do not diagnose or treat medical conditions, or give medical advice. Hypnosis does not take the place of traditional medical treatment by a licensed medical physician.
For some information on neurological studies about hypnosis see the following links:
Is Hypnosis Real? Here’s what science says
Study identifies brain areas altered during hypnotic trances